Join us Tuesday, February 4th, at 7 PM for a Book Talk with the Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker about her new book Eve Isn’t Evil: Feminist Readings of the Bible to Upend Our Assumptions.
Note: The event will exclusively be offered via Zoom. All participants are asked to register in advance for this free event.
Intertwining academic knowledge with candid, personal, and sometimes humorous stories, Eve Isn’t Evil invites readers to engage biblical texts with both mind and heart. Recently cited in The New York Times, this book explores select passages to challenge common assumptions about the Bible, especially regarding women. Julie will share how she came to write an academic book that is also deeply personal, making it unusual among scholarly publications. After an overview of the book’s contents and a brief reading related to her teaching in Sing Sing prison, we will engage in questions and conversation. Join us to discover the Bible’s power to enrich our feminist and theological self-understanding.
Space is limited so register today!
About the Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker

The Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker is the Biblical Scholar in Residence at Marble Collegiate Church and a Visiting Scholar at Union Theological Seminary, both in New York City. She was awarded the Ph.D. with distinction in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible from Yale University. Dr. Parker also holds degrees from Hamilton College, Union Theological Seminary in New York City, and Yale Divinity School. She has taught as a professor of biblical studies at General Theological Seminary (NYC) and Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Columbus, Ohio), in addition to teaching at Yale Divinity School, Colby College, and New York Theological Seminary, where her students were incarcerated in Sing Sing Prison. An ordained minister in the United Methodist Church, she worked full-time in both congregational and campus ministry prior to doctoral studies.
Dr. Parker is the author or editor of many articles and eight books including, most recently, Eve Isn’t Evil: Feminist Readings of the Bible to Upend Our Assumptions (Baker, 2023), now in its second printing.
She is married to the Rev. Dr. Bill Crawford and they are the proud parents of two grown children, Graham and Mari.