Throughout the church, vergers fill a variety of roles depending on local custom and on the needs of their congregation. For centuries, vergers have assisted clergy in planning liturgies, training other liturgical ministers such as acolytes and ushers, managing church property, and participating in liturgies as a “master of ceremony.” Today, some vergers are responsible for managing live-streaming, and even more are taking increasingly large roles in the all-important ministry of welcome, connecting with newcomers to the church.  

If you are seeking a ministry of service, are good on your feet, and enjoy paying close attention to detail, then join us! 

Vergers lead procession at Chrism Mass

How can I become a verger?

Vergers typically have experience in other liturgical ministries, such as being an usher, an acolyte, or an altar guild member. Many vergers have extensive experience outside of their church lives which greatly enhances their ability to serve.  

In general, a verger should possess good communication and leadership skills, be decisive yet sensitive to the individual ministries of others and be known and respected by the clergy and congregation.  

If your parish has a verger ministry, speak with your vergers and find out how you can get involved. If your parish does not have an active verger ministry, reach out to your priest-in-charge, vicar, or rector to see how you can start one.  

Your cathedral, the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, has a large verger corps and is happy to assist you in any way. 

Members of the Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church

The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church

The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC) is a wonderful resource for new and seasoned vergers alike. It encourages the sharing of ideas, resources, and information among its members.  

We encourage you to join the VGEC - please visit the Guild website to learn more. 

Verger at the Cathedral

Vergers on Long Island

The VGEC recently established a chapter of the guild in the Diocese of Long Island. The chapter takes its motto from the last sermon preached by St. David: “Be joyful, keep the faith, do the little things.” It is from this spirit of service and joy that the Long Island Chapter serves as a center of education and professional development for experienced or aspiring vergers across the diocese.  

As the “Mother Church” of the diocese, the cathedral is the host to many diocesan events including ordinations, confirmations, funerals, the annual Chrism Mass, and diocesan-wide celebrations including Absalom Jones Day and Juneteenth. As a member of the VGEC LI Chapter, you are eligible to serve as a verger at these diocesan events. 

The VGEC Long Island Chapter offers periodic workshops on many aspects of the verger ministry. For a full schedule of Diocesan Verger Events, click the button below.