"We have moved from a time when churches flourished by attraction to a time when we need to get out of our church doors to share the good news of God in Christ."
The Office of Congregational Support provides information and resources to our parish leadership, whether they are in transition or looking to further develop their congregational life. To learn more about what our office can provide, please watch the introductory video.

I-W-C is a new memberministry-process for churches seeking to expand their reach to people in their communities. It accommodates congregations of all sizes, crosses social and economic boundaries, and explores ways creativity and relational ministry can go hand in hand to effect culture change.

RenewalWorks is a great place to begin for congregational development. This five-month plan is used across the Episcopal Church to help congregations focus on spiritual growth for congregational growth.
(Available in English and Spanish)

The Path
The Path, from Forward Movement, is a selection of the stories and scriptures that show the arc of God’s path to restore us to the full embrace of God’s love in Jesus Christ. Beginning with Creation, right on through the Book of Revelation.

Coaching for Diocesan Clergy
- Newly called to a parish and seeking a powerful start?
- Recently completed a training program and seeking support to implement new learning?
- Five years into a call; seeking next steps?
- Encountering an obstacle and looking for new ways forward?
- Considering a new call?
- Getting ready for retirement?

Spiritual Gifts Inventory
The Spiritual Gifts Inventory is a helpful process for those who would like to serve the church and community but who may not know what they have to offer.

Diocesan Church Development Institute
The Diocesan Church Development Institute (DCDI) is a leadership training program focused on developing the spiritual community and organizational life of congregations. It equips leaders to serve their congregation through a highly integrated training experience that engages participants in the issues and dynamics that they face as leaders.

Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly: Displacing Systematic Racism
“Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly: Displacing Systemic Racism,” is a a collaboration with FaithX and Data Story, which uses data to understand the history of systemic racism and its impact in the Diocese of Long Island.

Uncovering Parish Histories
The Uncovering Parish Histories project encourages every parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island to explore its history of involvement in racial injustice and racial justice activism. At present, we are primarily focusing on the parishes that were founded prior to the Civil War and in its immediate aftermath, helping them look into the history of their complicity in slavery and the slavery economy – as well as whether they have evidence of involvement in antislavery activities.
The Rev. Claire Woodley
Canon for Ministry Support
(516) 248-4800 ext 135
Ms. Pamela Gravesande
Assistant to the Canon for Ministry Support
(516) 248-4800 ext. 134