Flushing Deanery Pentecost Celebration

Flushing Deanery Pentecost Celebration - Sunday May 19
Experience unity and joy as the churches of the Flushing Deanery gather at All Saints, Bayside, for a powerful Pentecost service.

 Join us at the annual Flushing Deanery Pentecost celebration! 

Experience unity and joy as the churches of the Flushing Deanery gather at All Saints, Bayside, for a powerful Pentecost service.

This year, delight in a special performance by our combined children's choir, filling the sanctuary with angelic voices and uplifting melodies!

Afterwards, share in fellowship with a potluck brunch. Bring your favorite dish to share as we feast and celebrate Pentecost together!

Don't miss this special gathering of faith and community. Spread the word!