The Institution of the Rev. Dr. Sean Michael Hamilton Wallace as Rector of St. George's, Hempstead

The Rev. Sean Wallace
Your prayers and presence are requested at the Institution of the Rev. Dr. Sean Wallace.
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The Rev. Dr. Sean Wallace

Your prayers and presence are requested at the Institution of the Rev. Dr. Sean Michael Hamilton Wallace as the Twenty-First Rector of the Historic St. George's Episcopal Church in Hempstead, New York. The Rt. Rev. Lawrence C. Provenzano, Bishop of Long Island, Presiding.

Following the installation, there will be a reception to share in fellowship and extend warm congratulations.

Clergy are invited to vest: Cassock, Surplice, and White Stole.

All are asked to kindly RSVP for the reception by Friday, January 24th

About the Rev. Dr. Sean Michael Hamilton Wallace

Originally from Arkansas and ordained to the diaconate in the Diocese of Lousiana, the Rev. Dr. Sean Michael Wallace came to the Diocese of Long Island in 2019. Before being called as Rector of St. George’s Hempstead, he served St. John’s Park Slope as Interim Priest-in Charge, St. Mary’s Carle Place as Priest-in-Charge, and St. Paul’s Brooklyn as Interim Priest-in-Charge. He is currently on the faculty of the Mercer School of Theology where he teaches a two-semester course in the practical use of the Book of Common Prayer.

Before coming the Diocese of Long Island, Fr. Wallace was Curate at The Church of the Resurrection, Chantry Priest at St. Thomas Fifth Avenue, and assisting priest at the Church of Ascension Fifth Avenue in the Diocese of New York. He holds M.Div. and STM degrees from The General Theological Seminary. Before ordination he enjoyed a twenty-year career as a professional musician, most recently serving as Director of Choral Activities and Vocal Studies at the University of New Orleans from 2000 to 2006. His degrees in music include a Doctorate in Choral Conducting and Masters of Musicology from Michigan State University and a Masters of Conducting from the Eastman School of Music. His current area of research is the history of the Episcopal hymnal, and he has presented several papers on the subject at professional conferences. Fr. Wallace also maintains a voice studio, teaching seminarians and clergy to sing the liturgies of the church.