Notice from Real Estate: Updates to Violation Monitoring Services

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Notice: Building Compliance and Violation Alert Services 
January 29, 2024 

As many of you are aware, since 2021 the Diocese of Long Island utilized two different violation alert services to track and monitor building compliance and violations: Jack Jaffa (Queens and Nassau counties) and SiteCompli (Brooklyn and Suffolk counties).   

Since contracting the services, the ERELI team has been monitoring usage, evaluating ease of use, accuracy of information, and costs associated with each. Ultimately, it has been our goal to consolidate to one service. As a result of our evaluation, we are making the following changes:  

Nassau and Suffolk Parishes: 

Unfortunately, there is no central repository to accurately monitor building violations for our Nassau and Suffolk parishes. This resulted in a false sense of security that no violations were outstanding. Therefore, parishes in Nassau and Suffolk counties will be removed from both services, effective February 1, 2024. 

To assist our parishes in Nassau and Suffolk, we will soon offer informational sessions regarding building compliance and commonplace tasks that should be proactively managed to avoid potential violations. Please stay tuned for upcoming events.  

Brooklyn and Queens Parishes: 

Based on our observations of use, the Queens and Brooklyn property portfolio will be consolidated to Jack Jaffa. For the Queens parishes that have been on the Jack Jaffa system, alert emails will continue as they have in the past. Brooklyn contacts will begin to receive alert notices and emails from Jack Jaffa starting Monday, January 29.    

For Brooklyn and Queens contacts, services will be enhanced by providing access to the online portal, which provides all compliance data in one location. You will be able to view what is due or outstanding, such as: violations, inspections, expirations, hearing dates, summons, etc. Our aim in engaging this service on your behalf is to allow you to proactively manage your property portfolio and avoid receiving potential violations and/or complaints.   

City regulatory agencies have numerous reporting and compliance requirements changing at a rapid pace. Ignoring violations can lead to insurmountable penalties and potentially roadblock other building initiatives, until cleared. The severity of certain violations can ultimately block the issuance of new work permits and even result in the loss of NYC Dept. of Finance tax exemptions.  

Since many of you will be new to the alert service and portal, we will provide an online training session on Friday, February 9 at 10 am to familiarize you with the available services.


Starting February 1, all designated property contacts will receive an email with their login credentials. If you don’t receive the emails outlined above by February 5, but believe you should be included in the contact list, please have the priest-in-charge forward an email to Tina Kurek ( requesting access on your behalf. Please include full name and email address. If you want to be removed from the contact list, please send that request, as well.  

In addition to the alert services paid for by the Trustees of the Diocese, Jack Jaffa provides representation and consultation services for various cases and summons. That service has been negotiated but it has NOT prepaid or included. Use of these services would need to be approved and paid for by the parish. You are not required to use Jack Jaffa for representation. You may have other counsel you prefer to work with and there are many instances where you may be able to resolve a violation on your own.  

Stay tuned for follow-up notifications about the information and training sessions. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Tina Kurek, Sr. Construction Manager (ERELI), by email or phone (516) 236-5463.