Dear friends,
With ten days left before President Biden leaves office, we continue to push our advocacy for Ravi’s pardon. In the meantime, we have just received amazing news: ICE has decided to postpone Ravi’s check-in, which was scheduled for Monday, until March, and has extended his deferred action protection from deportation until then. Your advocacy has made all the difference in the world: thank you.
This development means we can focus all of our efforts on continuing to urge President Biden to grant Ravi a pardon before he leaves office. Without a pardon, we know that Ravi will once again face the threat of deportation. So please continue to circulate Ravi’s pardon petition, make calls, and send emails: https://bit.ly/raviragbir.
In light of the cancellation of Ravi’s check-in, we will be canceling our 7am vigil. We are so deeply grateful to everyone for the incredible work of planning and participating in this event - you have been with us every step of the way, and it means so much.
For those who are still available on Monday 1/13, we will be holding a drop-in gathering at St. Ann’s Church (157 Montague St, Brooklyn, NY 11201) instead from 9am-11am, to hear from and support Ravi and Amy during this time of uncertainty. Please RSVP here (even if you already responded for the 7am vigil) so that we can have a head count for refreshments. We’ll hear from faith leaders and community members, record messages for our pardon campaign, and continue our advocacy – together. ,
This latest development gives Ravi and Amy space to breathe, but time is short and the need to keep the momentum going for the pardon is more urgent than ever. Thank you for everything you have done, and thank you for being here through it all. We hope to see you on Monday.
With gratitude,
Ravi Ragbir’s Defense Committee
Friday January 10 – 9 AM
On Monday, Jan. 13, supporters of Ravi Ragbir, an immigrant rights leader and canon for immigration justice with the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, will be gathering for a vigil calling upon President Biden to grant Ragbir a presidential pardon. The vigil will be taking place as Ragbir attends his supervision appointment with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the same place where he was detained and almost deported six years ago.
Ragbir has dedicated his life to supporting and empowering vulnerable communities. Despite facing detention and the threat of deportation, he remains a beacon of hope and a powerful voice for justice.
Supporters, including faith leaders, elected officials, and family and community members, will gather to speak about the need to come together to support Ragbir and other immigrants as we face the days ahead. They will call upon President Biden to grant Ragbir a presidential pardon so that Ragbir can remain in the U.S. with his family and continue his service to the community.
Ragbir is a 60-year-old husband and a father who came to the U.S. as a greencard holder but now faces the double punishment of deportation based on a single fraud conviction he received almost twenty years ago. He was given a final order of deportation in 2007 but was placed on an order of supervision in 2008, allowing him to live and work in the U.S. During that time, he became active in the immigrant rights movement, organizing faith communities to support immigrant families. He paid the price for that activism when he was detained and almost deported in 2018. An outpouring of community support and legal intervention provided him with temporary protection from deportation which is expiring. Now, only a presidential pardon will ensure that Ragbir is permitted to remain here in the U.S. without fear of deportation. Ragbir filed an application for a presidential pardon eight years ago and has followed the full, official process for consideration. His application has widespread support and faith and community leaders are calling upon President Biden to ensure that Ragbir can continue his service and remain with his family in the years to come.
For more information: click here.
Rev. Cece Jones-Davis, cece@cecejonesdavis.com, 703-531-7764
Mizue Aizeki, mizue@surveillanceresistancelab.org, 917-471-2775