Statement from Bishop Provenzano on Hurricane Beryl

Diocesan Shield

Dear Clergy and Parishioners,  

As many of you are aware, Hurricane Beryl, an atypically strong storm for the season, has already caused significant devastation in the southeast Caribbean. The destruction leaves many of our brothers and sisters in dire need of support and comfort and the hurricane currently threatens many thousands more.

I humbly ask each of you to keep those who have been impacted by Hurricane Beryl in your prayers. Let us pray for their safety, swift recovery, and the resilience to rebuild their lives. At the same time, may we pray for God’s protection and guidance for those in the storm’s path.

In the coming days, I will ask for your support as the church-wide fundraising and rebuilding efforts become clearer.

Thank you, as always, for your compassion and your prayers. Together, let us be a beacon of hope and solidarity for those who need it most. 

In faith and unity, 

Bishop signature

Bishop Lawrence C. Provenzano

Prayer from Episcopal Relief and Development

On the Sea of Galilee, even when the disciples began to fear, Jesus showed that he was Lord over the waters by rebuking the storms, so that all would know that even the wind and the waves obey him. 

Creator God, we ask you to calm the wind and the waves of the approaching hurricane, and spare those in its path from harm. Help those who are in its way to reach safety. Open our hearts in generosity to all who need help in the coming days. 

In all things and in all times, help us to remember that even when life seems dark and stormy, you are in the boat with us, guiding us to safety. 

– The Jesuit Church, America Magazine