Invite Welcome Connect is a ministry of relational evangelism and congregational empowerment allowing churches to become places of genuine connection for inviting the faith journies and stories of everyone.
Invite Welcome Connect enables deeper journeys of Christian discipleship and places the Spirit of Christ at the heart of each church's hospitable mission of spreading the Good News. Invite Welcome Connect has circulated throughout the Episcopal Church and, to date, has been implemented in 43 dioceses, at three Episcopal seminaries, and in three universities.
Explore further at www.invitewelcomeconnect.com
Our group of consultants from the Diocese of Long Island can assist you in a variety of ways, from planning and moderating strategy meetings to phone check-ins and encouragement as you explore the Invite Welcome Connect program. Contact the Congregational Support office to engage a Consultant Coach to empower your congregation into jump starting a new cycle of growth and vitality. Contracts vary from $250 to $500 to assist you in building an Invite Welcome Connect ministry in your congregation.
We hosted an Invite Welcome Connect webinar with Jeremy Tackett, Catherine Pryor Miller, and Sarah Stonesifer Boylan in September 2020. The recording of that webinar is available here: