RenewalWorks, a resource for congregations, is a ministry of Forward Movement.
What is the RenewalWorks program and how can it help your church?
Through a guided methodology of self-reflection, sharing and workshop discussion, RenewalWorks challenges parishes to refocus on spiritual growth and to identify ways that God is calling them to grow.
RenewalWorks is a catalyst for refocusing parishes (and the individuals in them) on spiritual vitality. It has been tailored to the Episcopal tradition, adapting 10 years of research that has uncovered key characteristics of flourishing congregations. It will inspire your congregation and leadership to rediscover who Jesus is, and what it means to follow him.
The program costs $500.00 and includes material in digital formats.
For complete details about the RenewalWorks program, visit the RenewalWorks website at Forward Movement: www.renewalworks.org.