Rites for Usage in the Celebration of Same Gender Marriages

Diocesan Shield
Posted by Denise Fillion

These rites were prepared by a working group of the Diocesan Commission on Liturgy and Church Music. This working group included theologians, a Scripture scholar, and parish clergy.

At the direction of the Bishop, they were created under the authority of the Book of Common Prayer (pgs. 13 and 435) and General Convention Resolution C-056 calling for a “generous pastoral response.”

Quoting the Book of Common Prayer: “Also, subject to the discretion of the bishop, special devotions taken from this Book, or from Holy Scripture, may be used when the needs of the congregation so require” (p. 13), and “If it is desired to celebrate a marriage otherwise than as provided on page 423 of this Book,” An Order for Marriage is used (pg. 435).

As alternative rites for marriage, all couples (both same-and-opposite gender) may use these for their marriage liturgies.