Bishop Provenzano Calls Clergy/Parishioners to Join Day of Prayer for Peace

Day of Prayer and Fasting For Peace - Tuesday October 17th

Dear People of God, 

The Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, including our Brother in Christ, Archbishop Hosam Naoum, are asking that we join with the entire Christian community in a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace on Tuesday, October 17th

As the Body of Christ we are intimately connected to one another and especially bound to one another within the Anglican Communion. In the face of the devastating events in Israel and Palestine, and the potential of expanding warfare and suffering throughout the region, the church is being called to pray. And so I ask you, the clergy and people of the Diocese of Long Island, to join our siblings in this day of prayer. I am further asking that, to the best of our ability, we leave our church buildings open throughout the day so that they may be available for prayer by the wider community. 

Let us join together to pray for peace, reconciliation, and an end to violence and war. 

Diocesan Prayer Services via Zoom

Every Morning & Evening the Diocese gathers at 8:45 for Morning Prayer and for Compline. You are always welcome to join us. Tomorrow’s Morning Prayer and Compline have been set aside for this day of prayer and fasting.

Please free to join us for prayer on Zoom. The links are found below.

Weekday Morning Prayer Online

Tuesday through Friday, 8:45am to 9:00am, online via Zoom

To attend online, join the Zoom Meeting for Weekday Morning Prayer
Meeting ID: 890 5623 8098 Password: 796099
Or dial-in by phone: (646)876-9923

Click here for the Morning Prayer leaflet

Weeknight Compline Online

Tuesday through Friday, 8:45pm to 9:00pm, online via Zoom

To attend online, join the Zoom meeting for Weeknight Compline
Meeting ID: 811 0687 3094 Password: 242024
Or dial-in by phone:(646)876-9923